The Parts of a Flower and Their Functions
I want to offer for your revision new article from professional essay writing service. I hope you will like it. There are over 400,000 flowering plant species on our planet, so the variety of flowers is truly enormous. Although all types of flowers differ in their structure, color, smell, etc., we can distinguish the main parts that are inherent in every flower structure. What Is a Flower? Scientists define a flower as an element responsible for the reproduction of all known plants. Seeds grow in a fruit that develops from gametophytes, which, in their turn, grow in flowers. The attractiveness of some flowers is the result of their evolution and it helps to transfer pollen. Flower Parts and Their Functions A flower consists of four main parts: Sepals Petals Stamens Carpel Sepals are found on the outermost part of a flower. In fact, they are green leaves that underwent modification. Sepals, or calyx, perform a protective function as they cover the...