Real estate videos, the most powerful weapon in the entire property listing marketing tool box.
In low cost but far away from population center rural markets especially, videos avoid costly delay. Getting folks inside, all around the outside of the property listing. And videos of the community do the fastest, most official way of giving the red carpet local area transfer of the local flavor, of all the events, what it would be like living in this location on planet Earth. But sadly here are the excuses for not using real estate video. Sometimes the missing video component to the marketing is because aging real estate agents and brokers just don't want to change or add new better ways to save buyers precious time. But once you get your video platform channel playlists underway and heavily stocked with listings beyond just your most expensive ones, there will be no need to scold or arm twist. The return on the investment of time and a little money for video, audio equipment and editing software you will find is oh oh so worth the ROI. Sellers and buyers want real estate ...